Hoodsbee {The Hoodie that is also a kids bestfriend #HolidayGiftGuide}
December 11, 2014
Hoodsbee is an innovative hoodie that transforms into a plush friend or a plush friend that transforms into a hoodie. With Hoodsbee, there are so many options. This unique patented technology allows your little one to carry their travel plush buddy, put it on when it is cold, fold it back up into a plush and use it as a head pillow for when they are tired. It's as easy as 1,2,3! Fold, roll and snap! Now, not only do you have a pillow and a travel companion, but you also have a nicely wrapped up hoodie that is easy to store or travel with.
Hoodsbee was created when the design team at HLL design was trying to come up with a new kind of character hoodie jacket that could have a rolled up function into the hood. After seeing the shape it created, they added arms, legs, eyes and ears to the hood to make it look more like a plush toy. But it was still just a jacket rolled into the hood. They found that by pulling the sides tightly together and fastening them in a specific spot, along with the front of the hood being fastened as well, that it kept everything nice and compact, tight and clean looking. And thus, hoodsbee was created.