SweetLeaf Organics Sweetener #MomsMeet

SweetLeaf Stevia  Sweetener is as natural as the sun, soil and rain that nurture it. That’s why it is the most popular stevia brand in th...

SweetLeaf Stevia Sweetener is as natural as the sun, soil and rain that nurture it. That’s why it is the most popular stevia brand in the natural food marketplace. SweetLeaf Stevia Sweetener was the first stevia sweetener to receive GRAS status from the FDA and is the only stevia sweetener to win thirteen international awards for taste, innovation and sustainability. From the beginning, SweetLeaf Stevia Sweetener made consumer health its number one priority.

The Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant was discovered more than 1,500 years ago by the native Guarani people,  growing in clumps of two or three along the edges of the rainforests of Paraguay. In the beginning, the natives used the leaves for their medicinal benefit, to freshen their breath and to sweeten and mellow the strong taste of herbal yerba maté tea. For more information on the stevia plant, including scientific research and health benefits, visit Stevia University.