
Grovia Hybrid Shell Cloth Diapers

As a first time parent, I am new to all the choices available. When I learned I was pregnant, I started researching all my options. Fo...

As a first time parent, I am new to all the choices available. When I learned I was pregnant, I started researching all my options. Following natural rhythms is what I feel is best for my baby and my family. Cloth diapering seemed the only real choice.

Why Cloth Diaper?

To people unfamiliar with cloth diapering today, they are thinking of grandma's cloth diapers - plain white prefolds with rubber pants that were leaky, time-consuming and required diaper pins. But cloth diapering has evolved into a very efficient, user-friendly, stylish option for all parents.

Saving Money! -

The average cost of disposable diapers for one baby from birth to potty training is about $2400.

Cloth diapering depends on how much you want to spend initially to build your stash. Once you have enough for your needs, the only costs involve water usage and detergent. The average stash will cost about $500 and if cared for can last through a second child.

Health -

With cloth diapers, you always know what are in them - cloth. You also chose what you launder them with. There are no questions and a freshly washed and dried diaper smells like fresh cloth. No perfume smells. That's because there are no chemicals - just cloth.

These are some of the chemicals that may be found in a disposable diaper-

Tributyltin – harmful to aquatic life (diapers do not biodegrade & end up in our ecosystem!) and promotes the growth of fat cells in humans
Xylene – toxic to the respiratory and central nervous system (deadly in high amounts)
Ethylbenzene – cancer causing and causes lung damage is swallowed
Styrene – cancer causing and hazardous to the eyes
Propylene – causes damage in the central nervous system and dizziness
Toluene – toxic to blood, kidneys, liver, and brain
Dioxin – cancer causing and linked to diabetes
Sodium Polyacrylate – irritates skin, respiratory tract, eyes

Mix that with urine and a baby sitting in that mix and some of what's in there will be leaching into the skin. It's not what I want for my baby.

Baby's that are cloth diapered have less issues with diaper rash. You can not use diaper ointments with cloth diapers, but there is normally not a need for it.

The Environment -

If you think of the disposable diaper use of just one child you know. All the used diapers balled up and thrown in the trash from birth until using the toilet, that's a TON of waste going into landfills. Then consider all the children in the US and just how much waste that is creating!

Each one of those takes 250-500 years to decompose. While decomposing, all of those chemicals listed above are making their way into our soil and water. 

While cloth diapering does use water for washing, it is by far less than the water used in the manufacture of disposable diapers.

There are different styles and brands of today's cloth diapers. A very favorite brand of mine is GroVia. The quality is sturdy and well fitting, the absorbency is dependable, and the system is user-friendly. They also offer a rainbow of solid colors and an ever-changing assortment of fun prints!

A Grovia in my stash is always the first one I reach for!

Today I'm featuring the hybrid style. Hybrid is a unique system that fits from infant to toddler. 

It starts with an outer shell - that is the colorful part! Choose from Hook/Loop or Snap closure. Hybrid shells can be worn 2-3 times before laundering again, which positively impacts both your wallet and the environment!.

Then comes the soaker. The soaker is a snap-in pad that absorbs all that goes into your baby's diaper. Choose from either Organic Cotton SoakerStay Dry SoakerNo Prep Soaker or the eco-friendly disposable BioSoaker. BioSoakers are a great option for vacation or road trips - just use and toss!

Care of Cloth Diapers:

Care of cloth diapers is easier than you may think. If you can wash a load of towels, you can keep up on cloth diapering. 

First, is prepping new diapers for maximum absorbency. This takes about 4-5 washes in warm or hot water to get the fibers fluffed and ready to be really absorbent. 

Once you begin using them, it's pretty simple. Remove all solids into the toilet after each use. You can keep soiled diapers in a wet bag between washings. 

When you have a load ready, set your wash to warm or hot (not sanitize) and use the full recommended amount of detergent. Choose the heavy soil cycle. Put diapers into wash. Make sure all parts are separated - soakers from shells and make sure to tuck tabs under the integrated tab loops before washing (hook & loop only). 
When the wash cycle is complete, remove your now-clean diapers from the machine. Place any PUL or TPU covers or Shells on top of the dryer to air dry. Put all of the remaining diapers into the dryer and set them on a warm tumble. You can also hang-dry everything if you want to really go green and save on energy!
*If you notice your diapers are stained, DO NOT PANIC. This is normal and does not mean that they are unclean. Simply take your freshly washed, still wet diaper outside and lay them in the sun to dry. It’s like magic… the stains will literally disappear in a few hours!

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