Hape Wooden Grill
October 10, 2017The Hape wooden grill is so creative my 1 year old loves to play and pretend cook, he has a whole wooden kitchen set up. We were so happy to add the grill to kitchen. The wooden grill has a wooden slide out rack, it has one side with just grate painted or a flip over side where it has two burners and a grilling area. It also has painted charcoal inside, how cool!
It is perfect for taking outdoors in the Summertime while Dad is grilling. My son loves to act like he is grilling along with Dad. I also prefer wooden toys over plastic. Since Apollo has the whole wooden kitchen setup I was so excited to hear Hammacher Schlemmer offered a wooden grill from Hape.
Get your today, also be sure to check out Hammacher Schlemmers website as they offer tons of amazing items for a low price. Hammacher also offers a amazing Lifetime Guarantee as said on their site " We will replace or refund the cost of any item, at any time"
Good post, love this sharing so much, thank you!