
SodaStream Giveaway ends 2/27

a Rafflecopter giveaway My boyfriend and I are a huge fan of soda, The problem is the cost of those sodas add up, and lugging the...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
My boyfriend and I are a huge fan of soda, The problem is the cost of those sodas add up, and lugging the bottles and cases home from the store can be quite a chore. 
So when I saw the jet soda maker,I thought it would be a good solution.
I think the SodaStream is a fun and useful accessory for soda lovers.
Looking for a healthier alternative to get your soda fix with less calories, carbs, and sugar?  Ever since the SodaStream soda makers came out several years ago, I’ve been wondering if this could be a cheaper and healthier alternative than regular soda sold in the supermarket.SodaStream offers more than 50 soda mix flavors in regular, diet, caffeine free, sparkling, and seltzers.

In comparison to other brands, the regular flavors have less calories, sugar, carbs and sodium.  The regular flavor sweeteners are a mix of sugar and sucralose without high-fructose corn syrup. The diet flavor sweeteners use Splenda, sparkling naturals use cane sugar, and essence flavors are unsweetened.

Healthier than well known brands – About 1/3 of  the calories, carbs, sugar, and sodium vs. the well known brands.
Environment friendly – No need to throw away  2-liter disposable plastic bottles or aluminum cans.
No electrical power or batteries required
Slightly cheaper than regular soda One 16.9 oz. bottle of flavor concentrate has prices ranging from $4.99-$6.99 and can make 12 liters  (six- 2 liter bottles or 33-12 oz. cans) of soda .  Most of the regular flavors are $4.99. The sparkling flavors are $9.99 in one 25.4 oz. bottle and can make 6 liters of  sparkling soda.

If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to regular sodas and need that addictive fizz the SodaStream would fit your needs very well.  If you or your family drink lots of soda this could save you some money.

Soda Steam has changed my life, It will change yours too. Order yours today.
SodaStream partners with Yves Béhar, world-renowned designer and social entrepreneur - the result is the new Source, an elegantly-designed soda maker that combines beauty, functionality and efficiency. The elegantly redesigned carbonating bottle easily locks into place with a single-push motion. Powered by a CO2 canister, the refined mechanics of SodaStream Source make the entire top surface responsive to touch, and the strength of carbonation is visible through an LED display, providing instant, visual feedback.


  1. I would like to win because SodaStream is much cheap then regular soda.

  2. I would love to win one for my Grandkids

  3. I would love to have this for my grandson for his birthday in March since he has been asking for one for about the last 8 months. I like the soda stream as it saves money in one's pocket as well as saves the environment one can or bottle at a time.

  4. I would love a sodastream because I believe it would help me save money!


  5. I choose to get dehydrated if i don't own a sodastream, i need one bad!

  6. I'd love to win a SodaStream because I've started eating healthy and I want to be able to control the ingredients in my food and drink. With a SodaStream, I can make the syrups myself and add the carbonated water for a delicious drink with no high fructose corn syrup or other things I don't want!

  7. I would love to win one so I could get my kids to try other drinks and drink less soda. It is a healthier way to drink soda. Their syrups are not filled with a bunch of junk. Plus I think it's great how using one is better for the environment. Even though we recycle it would mean less cans and bottles in the landfills.

  8. I would love to win Soda machine because we live in Michigan and have returnable cans. Although this is a great recycling program often we have cans laying around for weeks. I have two soda drinkers and because of budget concerns they do not get their treat as often as they would if we had this
