Portable Squatty Potty #Giveaway - The Stool for better Stools #HolidayGiftGuide

I have been using the Squatty Potty for about 3 years now and it has changed my life. I use to have problems using the bathroom, I don...

I have been using the Squatty Potty for about 3 years now and it has changed my life. I use to have problems using the bathroom, I don't have to worry anymore. When I am at a friends, a restaurant or on vacation I wish I could have my Squatty Potty with me at all times. Squatty Potty now offers the Porta Squatty Potty! A dream come true! As it  Easily folds up and fits in a carrying bag so it can be taken with you at all times, anytime, anywhere.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Medical doctors, naturopaths, and assorted holistic health professionals have pointed out the hazards of the modern toilet for years. There is empirical evidence that elevating your feet during elimination is healthier.
The modern day toilet is convenient, but has one major fault; it requires us to sit. While sitting to do our business may be considered “civilized”, studies show the natural squat position improves our ability to eliminate. Better elimination may decrease many modern day ailments including bloating, straining, hemorrhoids and constipation.


Primary (simple) constipation is a consequence of habitual bowel elimination on common toilet seats. A considerable proportion of the population with normal bowel movement frequency has difficulty emptying their bowels, the principal cause of which is the obstructive nature of the recto-anal angle and its association with the sitting posture normally used in defecation.


The alignment of the anorectal angle associated with squatting permits smooth bowel elimination. This prevents excessive straining with the potential for resultant damage to the recto-anal region and, possibly, to the colon and other organs. There is no evidence that habitual bowel elimination at a given time each day contributes considerably to the final act of rectal emptying. The natural behavior to empty the bowels in response to a strong defecation reflex alleviates bowel emptying by means of the recto anal inhibitory reflex.