
The Classic European Copper Distiller. #HolidayGiftGuide

Hammacher Schlemmer   Classic European Copper Distiller   is great for making your own homemade essential oils. If you are someone like ...

Hammacher Schlemmer Classic European Copper Distiller is great for making your own homemade essential oils. If you are someone like me and use Essential Oils daily you know that can get pricey, but making your own oils at home with herbs from your herb garden, now that is wonderful. I use peppermint leaves,Rosemary,Lavender and more. After you add your leaves to the distiller an oil lamp heats then boils the liquid, producing oil vapor that moves to the condensing pot where it is cooled and converted into a concentrated distillate. Mounted to a walnut base with steel supports and precisely machined valves to control vapor flow.

With some Essential Oil brands your not so sure what ingredients they are using and what you are putting into your body. I prefer to use a known brand of Essential Oils or make my own.